Dolce far niente! E un fel de sentiment aparte pe care îl ai atunci când te simți bine cu tine însuți, nu faci nimic altceva decât să te bucuri de ceea ce ai, unde ești sau cu cine ești! LA DOLCE VITA pur și simplu! Pur și simplu te bucuri de tine și de lucrurile …
Tag: feminine elegance
Making memories with fujifilm
I always had a thing with taking pictures. Even when I was little, I always used to ask my little brother to photograph me (sadly for him he always ended up doing that, even though he didn’t want to). The emotions when you pick up a developed film are amazing. This is why when …
Always on top
In ultimii 3 ani, ProFm a oferit o petrecere exclusivista, cu artisti cunoscuti, intr-o locatie deosebita si anume Casa Poporului. Cea mai mare cladire din Europa a devenit din nou loc de concert anul acesta, fiind inca de la prima editie in 2015, primul concert live pe Casa Poporului din Bucuresti. Daca in 2015 ne-au …
Jungle life
We might say that our lives are based on constant struggles: for living, for a job, for a husband, a family, for a car and so on. Often we get tired and nervos when we don`t get the things that we really want. When I came to Bucharest, in my teenage years, my mom always …
O noua viata
Vi s-a intamplat si voua ca sa gasiti prin dulapuri de mult uitate, haine sau lucruri care chiar daca nu va mai sunt folositoare, totusi sunt tinute acolo, in caz de ceva? Vorba aceea: macar de vine sfarsitul lumii sa aratam si noi decent 😀 Acel “in caz de ceva”, cu totii stim ca nu …
Riding skirts and flowers
Prima oara am invatat sa merg cu bicicleta la 6 ani. Dupa aceea fratele meu a invatat pe o bicicleta vai de mama ei, cu 1 roata ajutatoare in loc de 2. Ei, acesta e ghinionul fratilor mai mici. 🙂 Noi am crescut si am inceput a vedea bicicleta ca pe ceva foarte cool, ceva …
Say cheeese…cake
For some of us fast-food is the ultimate getaway, the ultimate sin, meal-wise. Also deserts are for many of us a weakness, an escape from the real world, a world where only you and the taste buds exists. This includes me- I call myself Ms.Sweet Tooth. Prepare yourself (and you money) for a journey that will …
Ne hodinim si noi astazi, tovarase?!
Sunt ani cand avem norocul, noi si toata populatia care sarbatoreste aceasta zi, 1 Mai- Ziua Muncii, sa pice in timpul saptamanii, atunci ne luam cateva zile la rand, ca sa: 1. Sa mergem in Vama Veche sa petrecem pana in zori si sa vedem apusul 2. Sa mancam mici cu bere, oriunde ne-am afla …
We may be adults but we can still dream
Some of you may know that my dream as a little girl was to become a ballerina. Also a doctor and a singer, too many carrer dreams, all at once, I know, but my biggest dream was to dance ballet. Since I was little, I inherited that passion from my mom. In the 90`s, despite all …
Take your broken heart and make it into ART
This is what Mery Steep said in her famous speech at Golden Globes. Actullay theese are the words that Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia ) said to her. I am not going to talk about her speech, it went viral anyway. I am going to talk about fears, hearts and beauty. Whether you feel morally down, …