Sunt ani cand avem norocul, noi si toata populatia care sarbatoreste aceasta zi, 1 Mai- Ziua Muncii, sa pice in timpul saptamanii, atunci ne luam cateva zile la rand, ca sa: 1. Sa mergem in Vama Veche sa petrecem pana in zori si sa vedem apusul 2. Sa mancam mici cu bere, oriunde ne-am afla …
Tag: outfitoftheday lookoftheday
Take your broken heart and make it into ART
This is what Mery Steep said in her famous speech at Golden Globes. Actullay theese are the words that Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia ) said to her. I am not going to talk about her speech, it went viral anyway. I am going to talk about fears, hearts and beauty. Whether you feel morally down, …